Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Salley's Shoes Are Made for Walkin'

This month, the Choice planner we all know and love will be strapping in and lacing up for the annual Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Trekking an impressive 39 miles over the span of two days starting October 16th, Salley will join thousands of others in a city-wide march to raise funds for medically under-insured men and women and to support ongoing research for a cure, not to mention raising awareness for an amazing cause.

As many of us have unfortunately experienced, Salley’s brush with breast cancer touched close to home. Just before her junior year of college, Salley received the devastating news that her mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Thankfully, the shock came with an optimistic prognosis and her mother successfully made it through chemo, surgery, and radiation and continues to live in remission.

So here’s where you step in! Salley needs your support to reach her fundraising goal of $2400 before her walk, a BHAG for sure, and we love it! So, jump in and pony up – every donation helps and brings us all one step closer to putting an end to breast cancer!

Check out Salley’s profile and make an online donation by clicking here! Below, Salley (right) with her sister and  survivor mother!

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